Keeping Curious.

Curiosity is what keeps my interest in photography. It’s the one factor that above all has kept the longevity of my passion for the subject. When we are out exploring its the curiosity that pulls at us to see whats around the next corner or over the brow of the distant hill.

With childlike curiosity & wonder we can explore our photography as if we see for the landscape for the first time, it encourages us to experiment to see what works and what doesn't. It opens our eyes to see with originality, to take in the wonderful world.

Like the decaying tree trunk, probably older then myself, battered with storms, warmed by the long summers. Its history is full of interest, with curiosity we explore every lump and bump of the amazing bark. In this little piece of the world, a square meter, its probably teeming with life, organisms living together in a mini eco-system.

Taking time to pause, work on this subject was a real pleasure, in a quiet corner of the woodland with the breeze and the birds. It's no grand landscape or epic light, but to me its essential to learning the craft of photography. It's looking to see.

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