Autumn started slowly and frustratingly for me this year. As the seasons come and go we do tend to put pressure on ourselves to make the most of the condtitons before they change and disapear. I recently moved house and now live near the Peak District, this seemed to intensify the pressure to capture something of Autumn.
I had probably ventured out 7 or 8 times without sucess, my eye just wasnt seeing. The self doubt creeps in, it felt like I could no longer find images. In the scheme of things in general its pretty minor however as when trying to create it can be crippling.
I decided to give the trips a break, just head out just for a walk and enjoy the environment. I’m starting to realsie that the trips i take and don’t make any images aren’t failures but just a chance to learn something more about my photography. These are all small important steps forward.
The image below if was taken after the break. It’s nothing particularly special but it was the first image that caught my attenion and found me enjoying again the process of capturing a picture.
Given the break and checking my expectations during autumn I had a few mornings of enjoyable photography. Below are a few from my 2021 collection. As ever many thanks for reading the words and viewing the images.