
Many thanks to anyone who reads my posts. Often they are just fleeting thoughts that pop into my head and I enjoy the creative process of distilling them into words on a page. Its therapeutic, and helps organize my feelings and ideas about photography.

I'm certainly no expert when it comes to writing, its something I practice and hopefully each time learn something and become a little more experienced, very much like photography!

Todays images are two taken in the Peak District, nothing particularly grand or dramatic about these photographs, however in the process of editing them they bring back the experience and feelings of the morning.

Sunrise is getting early and getting up and out is becomes more and more difficult, I hadn't been out at dawn for a while so I was looking forward to the trip and feeling energized. I walk this spot fairly often, and as predicted the weather was clear and warm. Just a hint of mist gathered in the valley bottom, the morning was quiet and peaceful, no noise from the roads with just the bird song filling the gaps.

I was initially disappointed in seeing the forecast ring true, and we set out on our wander under no pressure or expectation. Reluctantly I got the camera out but once in the flow of setting up I began to make a couple of images as we made our way across the gritstone edges enjoying the warm sun.

I wasn't till a few weeks later when I downloaded the pictures and started to edit these photographs that the impact of the mornings walk connected with me. I really had no expectations in producing something particularly good, however the sense of comfort reliving that morning through the images felt good.

Where am I going with this. One thing I am realizing is I must enjoy these moments, that quiet day, the warmth and the free time to walk with Ralph was a real pleasure. Having images to remind me of this day is very special to me, its a great way to keep things in perspective and look after the mind and body.